We have the worlds largest selection of Vibrolas! NEW and AGED incl. rare Spareparts...Short Flange & Springmount Vibrolas, Maestro Vibrolas and Covers, Rare Sideway Vibrolas, Replacement Arms and Covers.
IMPORTANT Notice: Since Gibson useing different Neckangles for Standard USA and Customshop Series Guitars please check yourself which Guitar you have and which unit you will need, we are not able to response to questions which Model - which Year - which unit is needed for your Guitar...we know a lot but not anything sorry! Following infos maybe help to find the correct unit! THX. We accept no responsibility for incorrect assembly or setup, may you ask your local luthier if you are not sure about correct installation!

We will get ltd. qtys of Gibson Maestros
After more then 1 year out of stock, we will get a ltd. number of Genuie Gibson Meastro Vibrolas New and Gold...they will be ava. mid march..so you can place order now ...First in First out...