1954' Fender Pure Vintage Assembly with impossible to find Miniskirt knobs

Only 5 Sets ava. 1954' Fender Pure Vintage Assembly
incl. 1954' Miniskirtknobs, Baseball Tip, Rounded Covers, Pure Vintage Pickguard incl. small Thin Shieldplate, 70th Anniversary Pickups, CTS 275K Superpots and CRL Switch
"Art of Aging" Fully Assemblies... with Green23 of The Vintage Collection guard to your choice! The whole aged Package!

Our "Art of Aging" Full Assemblies now to your choice...whit Green23 Guard or The Vintage Collection Guard, also we offer our Premium Ageing Option for all Assemblies....The Assemblies contains all aged Guard, Vintage Nylon (Blacklight reacting) Knobs, Tips, Covers, Tremolo Bakplate, Thin large Shielding and complete aged Screw Set!
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