Helpfull infos...
Businesses & Customers that are not established in an EU Member State may, under certain conditions, submit applications for a refund of the VAT (value added tax) paid in Germany and VAT Registered Companies within the EU please read following infos.
All purchased from Non-EU Member states will be VAT free (19%). We will refund the VAT, after you placed your order and we received the fulll amount of the value which is stated on the Invoice. Its not possible to buy direct without the VAT, in case of the EU-Regulations of Internet business.
For all VAT registered Companies, its the same game, we will refund after we received your order and you payed in full.
Its important that you provide your VAT number with the order! You can send this infos during checkout, there is field "Your message to us" here you can type your VAT infos. We will proof this number and after ok, we will refund your VAT in height of your country common VAT.
If the infos not provided with the order we are not able to refund afterwards because its lot more work for us! Don't send this infos in seperate mail, because we are unable to process emails with separate information as we often receive up to 50 or more emails per day.
Easy handling with..... DHL Express
For all Non-EU Customers, please read this infos about taxation.
We offer shipping by DHL Express which makes you purchase easier, because DHL-EXPRESS is fast and offer a good serivce, they charge you direct all fees and eventually Import taxes direct, so its no need to visit your locat Customoffice and fill out all needed paperworks, finally you safe a lot of time and evtl. trouble with customs. Also DHL is fast. they ship orders within the EU within 48hrs* and Oversea shippings depending on location within 2-5 days in USA and the rest of the World.
The magic of N.O.S. Wire Pickups

Our Black Country Vintage Clone Series build just like they did back in the day. Bobbins are punched not laser cut, have rounded edges and are dipped in nitrocellulose lacquer, we using Cloned / Vintage correct 0.188″ Alnico 5 magnets, bevelled in-house. Wax potted in black bee and paraffin wax to reduce micro-phonic feedback. Cloth Covered Hook Up Wire.