Celluloid/Nitrate Guards
DISCONTINUED! ...the last ones!
In our opinion the best aftermarket real Celluloid'/Nitrate Green Guard available...btw. there are no other we know!
This is the second run of real Celluloid guards we offer, now with many updates to the old version as follow!
-Light Greenish color with just the right amount of blue...(like the old Fender guards)
-Thicker Black Middle Layer
-Chatter marks from router
-Light Milky Toplayer like the old ones
-Different deep countersunk holes for mounting and pickupscrews
-Vintage style scoop (depending on model)
-Typical semi gloss back like old guards
-Available 1962' & 64' style 11-hole pattern
-Fits Vintage - US & Mexico Vintage series guitars
-The smell of real Celluloid!
Please Note! The rarest of rare materials available...
Some helpfull infos about the production of celluloid guards!
For the production of celluloid guards you need to know, there are only 1 or 2 companies in the world which are able to produce this rare material .
You need very experience poeple with the knowledge to recreate and matching color as close as possible, also there is always a minimum quanity you have to order (200-400KG) so a project like this can easy cost several thousand USD.
The production is extremly laborius and expensive, since material will produced in big blocks, then blocks must cutted to plates and finally glued toghether (for nitrate is tricky since normal glue dont work)
With this new run of real celluloid/nitrate we think we get really close to the old Fender guards in apperance, feel and look!
We think these guards currently the best aftermarket ones you will find, also we think (if you compare or brose the web) you will not find better and cheaper ones!
All Celluloid guards tends to warping when they are not mounted! If you store the guard please mounting the guards on a woodplate, this is why you see old guard offered in web are most mounted on woodplate!
Details - Bevel
..all the goodies of the real deal!
Thicker Black middle layer - shattermarks from the router - light milky color Toplayer -
Details - Color
...one of the best greenish guards
We think one of the best real celluloid guards available currently (we dont know other supplier offer this! LOL) Light green with touch of bleusih like the old ones...not to light in green and not too dark! For us PERFECT
Details - Countersunk Holes
If you check the details you will note!
...that most aftermarket guards have wrong or some have non-countersund hole (esp for Pickups) This is the difference to our guards...they have different deep countersunkholes which looks perfect when screws mounted (Most aftermarket holes to small and the heads looking out!)